Olivia Pohjola (FI) – Beings
Event Introduction
This is a piece celebrating small creatures, organisms and forms of being. What happens in The Old Market Hall after dark? How big is the spectrum of being that has developed in the nooks and crannies of the building throughout history? The work appeals to anyone who is open to imagination, and it is also suitable for young children.
The work is commissioned by Lux Helsinki.
Olivia Pohjola
Olivia Pohjola is working as a lighting designer in the field of arts. Pohjola is interested in moments provided by arts, where the yard stick for humanity is revealed in relation to the non-human world. In their works, Pohjola searches for interfaces between an illusion and the situation after the illusion is broken. At present, Pohjola is engaged in metal works and drawing.
In co-operation with:
Old Market Hall
Event Information
8.–12.1.2025 klo 17–22
Old Market Hall (Eteläranta)