Stéphane Marin (FR) – OLYMPhonIC

Event Introduction
Multichannel sound installation that engages with and spatializes the dynamics inherent in sports, within a subtle dramaturgy infused with palpable tensions and relaxations. Composed solely from original sound recordings captured amidst various Olympic and Paralympic sports, “OLYMPhonIC” offers an immersive experience. Dynamic spatialization recreates the mobility, intensity, and sonic power of different sports disciplines, creating impressive acoustic trajectories.
Harmonizing with the tones and energies inherent to the specific sounds of sports, and the athletes who produce them in their efforts, the entire spectrum of sporting energy unfolds within the multichannel (6-channel) setup, offering expansive sonic perspectives.
Stéphane Marin
Stéphane Marin is a sound artist, phoNographist and a listening facilitator. Works on the border between listening to the soundscape and “in situ” compositions, in the porosity proposed by a work that rubs the real, zealot of sonic arts in public spaces, soundscape artist, composer of multi-phonic sound pieces for in situ live performances, Stéphane Marin has been involved since 2002 in sound adventures in situ that go out to meet atypical spaces.
Following many collaborations and solo projects shared in France, and represented internationally (Singapore, Medellìn, Suwon, Beirut, Bucarest, Poznan, Grätz, Valladolid, Manchester, Brussels… ), his desire for spaces and his practice of sound push him to imagine devices and experiences that take the form of course or sound naps, soundwalks with naked or « augmented » ears, and performative architectural sound installations.
In co-operation with:
Institut Français de Finlande
Event Information
8.–12.1.2025 klo 15–22
Turbiinisali, Cable Factory (Kaapeliaukio 3)