Topical light art at Stoa explores sensory perceptions, the pandemic and human relationships with the environment and society

The light installations at the Cultural Centre Stoa can be seen throughout Lux Helsinki, 5–9 January 2022, 4pm–10pm.
Lux Helsinki and Stoa are teaming up for the second time as light art takes over the cultural centre in Itäkeskus. Last time, producer Sanna Nuutinen was most impressed by the obvious joy that the arrival of Lux Helsinki in East Helsinki brought to local audiences. She was also impressed by how such visually and substantively different types of works were able to form such a strong and cohesive whole.
“The art fascinated visitors of all ages, and there were even queues for the interactive installations. Children got excited about the 3D glasses, while their fathers would peek behind the same installation to see how it worked,” Nuutinen laughs.
An equally inspiring and interesting collection of light art will be unveiled in Itäkeskus this January, as the Lux2 route spreads out over the city. Stoa offers an excellent setting for light art that allows audiences to appreciate even the most subtle installations. The light art will be divided into three different spaces and surrounded by darkness, in the middle of which the beauty of the light comes into its own.
Stoa will feature altogether three light installations during Lux Helsinki from 5 to 9 January. Ossa by Roberto Fusco inspires us to ponder our relationship to other animals by projecting the outline and movement of the viewer in the form of animal bones. Cycles by Meri Ekola and Marc Melia is an audiovisual installation that explores how the temporal disparity of sensory perceptions affects our experience of our environment. N:th Wave by Antti Pussinen reflects the invisible danger of infection from the corona pandemic in the form of colourful ultraviolet lights projected onto the globe.
Stoa’s thought-provoking installations can be previewed here.
“Lux Helsinki can be experienced more equally”
This is the second year that the Cultural Centre Stoa is part of the Lux Helsinki programme. The decision to continue the partnership was easy, as the first event produced a lot of positive experiences and gratitude from visitors.
“Partnering with Lux Helsinki for us means inspiring and experiential collaboration that allows us to exhibit breathtakingly beautiful light art at Stoa! It is also very important to us that Lux Helsinki can be experienced more equally when the installations are displayed in a wider area than just the city centre,” says Ulla Bergström, Director of Stoa.
In order to achieve an inclusive everyday life and equal urban culture, it is important to move from words to deeds.
“Collaborating with Lux Helsinki and the Helsinki Events Foundation is not just a message but also a practical demonstration of how together we want to create a good everyday life for all Helsinki residents in all districts. Urban culture is created by all of us every day. It means using the city as a platform for one’s own life, and each individual life shapes the essence of Helsinki’s urban culture,” Bergström adds.
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Image: Roberto Fusco – Ossa / quietSpeaker studio