Light art comes to the Arabia 135 block on the wings of a dove

This year, Lux Helsinki expands to a record-wide area with the Lux2 route. Light art also comes to the Arabia district, where Varma participates in the event for the first time with its own work.
Realised in co-operation with Varma real estate investments, the work is located in the historic Arabia 135 block; more specifically, on the Hämeentie side end wall of the former Arabia factory building. Now a campus for the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, the building will be the canvas for Ainu Palmu’s work Hope, inspired by the history of the area.
“The former Arabia factory has been called the block for creativity and it felt like a natural choice to serve as the backdrop for a light art event. Ainu Palmu’s wonderful work featuring a dove motif will get a worthy stage next to the iconic Arabia sign, where the artist’s story has the dove making its nest in the letter A”, explains Rosa Heinonen, Marketing Specialist at Varma real estate.
Varma thinks a light art work is very fitting for this era of the coronavirus pandemic.
“We wanted to bring some light and joy amidst the pandemic, while also supporting the arts in these exceptional times. We decided that the Arabia 135 block owned by Varma would be an excellent location. Over the years, a lot of versatile urban culture has been created in Arabianranta. Palmu’s work acts as an interesting continuation of the region’s cultural activities”, says Toni Pekonen, Commercial Property Director at Varma.
The buildings of the Arabia 135 block are rich in Finnish design history and currently house forward-looking technology companies, students of music and crafts as well as artists. Significant development projects are being planned in the near future, which will bring added opportunities for actors in different fields.
“The block of creativity that has been created in the surroundings of the Arabia ceramics factory is alive and evolving, offering a haven for several actors in creative fields. The location makes it possible to offer a safe art experience for an outdoor audience, which is, naturally, extremely important right now”, Pekonen sums up.
Varma’s work Hope can be viewed at Hämeentie 135 for the duration of Lux Helsinki on 5–9 January 2022 from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m.
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